Tuesday, January 31, 2006

God is so good, He's so good to me.

Hey Kris - that is so encouraging to hear yet again. Praise God!

I have been told that I did not actually share my actual *testimony* in my initial post... so, I will add a those details here.

I grew up in a Bible believing home, with two wonderful Christian parents. I knew a lot about the Bible and never rejected my parents' faith, so I thought. But there were significant patterns of sin that I had never confronted. Perhaps the most pervasive one was a pattern of deceit and lying. As one of the more drastic examples, I passed a class in Bible college by lying about turning in a paper I had never written, and allowing my professor to take the blame of thinking he had lost it. Not only was I lying to others, but I was lying in my own mind in order to cover up the guilt I knew I could not face.

When I finished college, Eric and I were in a Bible study (with the Thiels) led by Wes Pastor. Eric was a deacon, and on track to start seminary a year after we got married. God was so gracious to us, however, by using the study of Romans that year to show both of us that we had never truly repented and submitted our lives to the Lord. I was first - learning for the first time that I couldn't live however I wanted and still claim to be a follower of Jesus Christ. The patterns of sin had to go - but they had such a grip on me and I had no power over them. As much as I wanted to change, I couldn't. Eric was second - he had followed the faith of his parents, and as with me, had never really given up a life of sin in order to follow Christ. It had been cultural, not personal, for both of us.

Eric's recognition of unbelief was harder on me than even my own. I was angry at God. I loved Eric, and could not accept that God could be just in sending Eric to hell. These thought spiraled into a series of doubts of the existence of God, and especially the goodness of God. I became pregnant right before this, and that was one of the lifesavers. I knew, as I watched this baby grow inside my womb, that there had to be a God. This baby was not a matter of chance.

Those were the most terrifying months of my life. I knew I was going to hell, and for the first time I knew that I had no control over my own fate, or the fates of my husband and child. When I read the Bible I found no comfort - only condemnation, as I was the "wicked one" in all the passages, not the "righteous one" by faith. I was terrified of God, and yet in His kindness He showed me that He was the only one who could rescue me from His own wrath. I had to trust in Christ's blood - it was that simple, but something I could never do on my own.

Isaiah 55:1-2, 6-9 says "Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and you who have no money come, buy and eat. Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. Whey do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, and delight yourself in abundance.... Seek the Lord while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and let him return to the Lord, and He will have compassion on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon. 'For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,' declares the Lord. 'For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.'"

These words were so sweet to my weary and fearful soul. I was thirsty, but had no water. Hungry, but no money to buy food. I was spending my life for things that did not satisfy. But God promised... yes He *promised* that if I turned to Him He would have compassion on me. The "My ways are higher" verses had made me angry before - I read them as if coming from a haughty and proud God. But as He transformed my heart, I realized that no! - those verses were amazing! He was saying that if it were up to me (and my lower thoughts) no plan of salvation like this would ever be put in to place. There would be no hope for the wicked - no compassion, no abundant pardoning. I had been oh so wrong - and what joy to know that.

It took me a few months to be sure of what had happened. But as I saw patterns of sin being conquered, and love for my Savior increasing, God gave me peace I had not felt before. I was baptized in December of 2004 (just over one year ago!) and though I get discouraged at times, I go back to these verses and am comforted that I did not save myself, and that He has promised to complete the work He started in me. And if that were not wonderful enough, it seems as though God saved Eric this past March through a missions trip to Cameroon. He is so good!

Sorry that was so long... it really is amazing, though, to rewrite your testimony. It is such an encouragement to remind ourselves of where God has brought us.

Question: how does this book reading/commenting go? Can you start it out for us, Linda?

(Random comment: in this spell check, "Christ's" comes up with the suggestion of "crusts" Ouch.)

Friday, January 20, 2006


Where - is - Kris - ten? Where - is - Kris - ten?.... (to the tune of "Where is Thumper?")

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

MM is finally posting!

Hurrah! Here I go. My first blog posting. Whew, this seems like a momentus occasion. Just think... I will be able to tell Joshua and Peter that I remember when there *weren't* blogs. :) :)

For those that don't know me, I'm Mary-Margaret. My claims to fame are my three boys - Eric (my husband) Joshua (my 2 yr old) and Peter (my 5 mo old). The first one is incredibly handsome, the second is incredibly cute, and the third is incredibly chubby. :)

For a quick bio: I was born in Oklahoma, moved to New Zealand when I was 1 year (where my dad is from), and moved back to the States to my mom's hometown in Ohio when I was 6. When my parents told me we were moving to VT when I was 11, I was mad. But how glad I am that God moved us there - for it is in Vermont that I found the love of my life (Eric), and the Lover of my soul (Jesus Christ).

I have an associates degree in Biblical Studies from a Bible college in Canada. Eric and I have been married since Oct of 2002. Joshua was born in Nov of 2003. I came to saving faith in Jesus Christ in Sept of 2004. Peter was born in Aug of 2005. Wow, what an awesome 4 years it has been! God has been so good to me.

I met Linda through church, but really became her friend when we were pregnant with our 2 year old boys and lived across the parking lot from each other. That was an awesome year of love, laughter, babies, closet organization, ingredient borrowing, recipe sharing, and late night chats. I love our house but sometimes I long for those days when Linda or Les were just next door. It can be so lonely to own your own home!

Now Kris has become my new "neighbor" and we are both psyched to be part of a new church plant. She is such a blessing to me and the boys. She was a lifesaver while I was pregnant and right after Peter was born - she even vacuumed under my bed while Joshua pee-ed on her leg! She has changed more poopy diapers with a "disgusting!" comment but a smile on her face than anyone I know. I will make her post on Thurs when she is here if she hasn't by then.

Julia I know through the brief time we were at CMC together after I finished college... and Stephanie I don't know at all, but am excited to get to know!

I am putting a book order in this week, so I know I'm behind on reading it but I'm anxious to hear comments from those of you who have started already. In case you hadn't guessed, I'm chatty. Linda, you've got company! :)

Hey Girls

Hi. I'm the mysterious Stephanie, joined to you all by Juila. Julia and I knew each other for about two (?) years while she was in Indiana. We went through our first pregnancies together, so although we don't get to talk or see each other nearly enough, I would consider Julia a good friend. Currently I live with my husband of three years, Jason, and our daughter Eowyn, who is 18 months, and my in-laws. Jason works full time and takes seminary classes while I am a full-time Mom. We are hoping to find our first home soon (big prayer request!).
I read a lot, and I love getting suggestions for good books, so I am very interested in getting together with like-minded women to talk about our reading. However, due to a tight budget I don't think I'm going to be able to purchase C.J. Mahaney's book for this round. But don't give up on me. I hope I can join in with the next book! I would love to get to know all of you.

Friday, January 13, 2006

intro, etc

Hi, my name is Julia Wilson. I've known Linda since 2000 and our husbands (Steve & Markes)have known each other since 1981 (kindergarten). Upon moving to VT in 2000 I was "searching" but, very oblivious to that fact. With slightly wrong motivations I agreed to attend a Bible study that my attractive husband was co-leading at the time with Steve. And the Lord just took it from there and drew me in over the next few months. I grew up Catholic and had never heard the Gospel before and it hit me HARD. All the questions/issues I had related to Catholicism were answered and everything finally began to make sense.
In 2002 we moved to Indiana for Markes to get his MBA, which is where I met Stephanie at our "country" church out there. Upon graduation and the birth of our first (Ada- 1 more on the way now, due in early July) Markes was offered a job near a church we knew of b/c our church in VT (Christ Memorial Church) planted here in NH called Christ Redeemer Church in 2000. I know some of you know parts and I feel redundant at times however, I am just trying to connect the dots. Anyway, I've gone on long enough for now. FYI I just ordered the book yesterday and hope to get it relatively soon.


I hope you are all as excited as I am. I am not only excited about reading this book but also hearing your thoughts about it and how the Lord is molding you for His Glory and purposes. Why don't we start by introductions, maybe even a snip of your testimony, or anything you would like.


Looking forward to hearing from you all.