Maybe it's too obvious but, think of how helpless a little baby is when they are born. They rely on others for everything. In all of creation, human babies are dependent on other longer than any other creature. It's interesting especially since we are above all other creatures, given dominion over them and also are made in God's likeness unlike any other thing on earth, however our beginnings are quite humble. I think that's why the picture God uses of Him as our heavenly Father is SO cool, not only that He made us, but that He (the Creator of ALL things) deigns to LOVE us.
This is a great one. I was going back and forth on whether to write on this.. seeing as Jesus tell us to be like children to resemble thier humility... But nonetheless it is a good one.
Another thought the humility of a baby... Just think how we take our babies here and there, dictating when we go and when. It is so neat to see they just go along for the ride... not putting in their 2 cents. They are content just being with their mommy or daddy.
I am so excited for the 3 of you gals.
So.. Let's see,
Kris is due in Oct.
Julia is due in.. July right?
Stephanie is due in... ???
Congratulations Kris, how exciting. Your are so blessed to be in a community of Christian moms, both novices and veterans alike! Bother, I can't remeber exactly when Steph is due, my guess is Sept. Her move is next week so, I know she is flat out these days.
Hold your tongue... MM!!!
Isn't 4 summers in a row.. pregnant enough! just jokin.. :-)
oh, yeah to reply, Linda I am due July 2nd
Julia, I WISH it was September, but alas, I think I'll make it to October along with Kris...:)
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